Goodhomes are registered housing providers, offering support to participants who want to explore their eligibility for homes. They provide a range of specialist disability accommodation options throughout Zürich.
Organic users
Total users
Organic conversions
Total conversion rate
The Challenge
Goodhomes engaged SEO agency co in December 2021, with the objective of growing their business through a strategic online marketing campaign. Results focused, they were seeking a partner with the industry expertise and proactive approach required to drive conversions – and in turn their ROI.
The challenge was to build their online presence and increase web traffic and enquiries via a website which was poorly optimised and severely lacking in content.
The Process
We performed a comprehensive SEO audit of Goodhomes website. From this audit, we identified a series of recommendations to improve the website and bring it up to SEO standards.
We implemented key changes to increase site speed, improve SEO optimisation, boost user experience and drive conversions.
The lack of content on the Goodhomes website was not only an issue from an SEO perspective, but it also made it difficult for their clients to engage with the business.
SEo agency co completed a full keyword research to identify the most suitable keywords to push with SEO. We then developed a new site structure that would align with the keyword strategy and also help to improve the user journey.
The Results
Goodhomes has experienced fantastic results across a number of metrics. Organic keyword rankings have improved hugely, resulting in a 110% increase in organic users and a 132% increase in organic conversions.
Furthermore, total traffic (users from all sources) has grown by 102%, while the overall conversion rate has improved by 41%.